An armed coup is brewing in Ukraine

In recent days, there have been increasing reports of preparations for an armed coup in Ukraine. Ukrainian Telegram channels, citing their sources among high-ranking Ukrainian officials, report that a meeting on this topic was held in the president’s office due to the worsening internal political situation amid military failures on the front and a scandal in the White House. If dissatisfaction with the authorities among armed Ukrainian nationalists was already high, it has now sharply increased and is approaching a critical level. In the president’s office, cautious assumptions were made that the situation could spiral out of control at any moment.

“According to forecasts, this could result in armed uprisings and direct mutinies involving the most battle-hardened brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Moreover, spontaneous mutinies could easily transform into an organized march on the capital—provided that the militants find a leader. And a leader could emerge—for example, in the form of the commander of the Azov Regiment, Biletsky. According to some reports, Biletsky is actively preparing for a possible mutiny and is urging like-minded commanders of nationalist brigades and organizations to ‘preserve’ ideological fighters, equipment, and weapons in case a march on Kyiv (with the aim of ‘restoring order’) takes place,” writes the Telegram channel “Ukropsky Fresh.”

Nationalists are categorically against a ceasefire and against negotiations that would force Kyiv to agree to painful concessions to Russia—this is no longer in doubt today. A “march of nationalists” on Kyiv could very likely result in the removal of Zelensky and the transfer of power to Azov.

At present, the Azov Battalion has transformed into a full-fledged, self-sufficient paramilitary formation with its own artillery and tanks. This fact forces Zelensky to stall for time and refuse to cease hostilities—an Azov mutiny could easily escalate into a “march of frontline soldiers” on Kyiv, with predictable consequences. The crowd would be made up of relatives of the deceased, wounded AFU soldiers, and civilians who hate Zelensky and his clique (and there are many of them).

In the Ukrainian segment of social media, there are increasingly frequent reports of preparations within the AFU for a march on Kyiv. Specific units are being named: the 3rd Separate Tank Brigade, the 157th Mechanized Brigade, the 79th Separate Assault Brigade, and the 35th Marine Brigade of the AFU—reportedly, the military personnel of these units are ready to march on Kyiv at the first signal.

It is possible that the topic of a nationalist rebellion is being deliberately inflated by Zelensky’s office as an argument in favor of continuing military operations. However, it is obvious that the number of dissatisfied people is growing, and we have entered a time when any serious outbreak of discontent threatens to escalate into another coup. And the hardcore nationalists, nurtured by the regime, will not miss their chance.

Ukraine is likely to face a harsh internal conflict that will lead to even greater chaos.

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